The seed of my passion for photography was planted when I was eight years old and given a Brownie box camera. At that time, I had no idea of either the technical aspects of how to use the camera to create an image or what was inspiring me to want to take a picture of a scene or subject.
What I did love though was that I could create something and see the results of that effort appear on paper. To an eight-year-old, it was pure magic.
I was raised in America’s Midwest countryside. A land filled with open spaces, rolling hills, forests, lakes, and wildlife. A land far from the concrete and steel jungles of the big cities.
My father, an avid hunter, fisherman, and outdoorsman, instilled in me an understanding of the rhythms of our natural world. Nature became deeply ingrained in my heart and soul. I now photograph what I love – the natural world.
Photography and the natural world are two of my life’s greatest passions. As a photographer-artist I try to create visual works that convey their own stories. The effort to construct visual narratives is a challenge I relish. My unique aesthetic is derived from a variety of eclectic sources including nature, literature, and painting.
I have never stopped learning. To stop learning is to stop growing as a person and as an artist of my craft of photography. I'm always looking for new ways to challenge myself as a photographer and to create stunning images that will leave lasting impressions.
68 countries (so far)
I haven’t been everywhere, but “everywhere” is on my bucket list!
Canada, United States, Mexico, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Dominica, Greenland,
Brazil, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Bolivia, Falkland Islands
Iceland, Faroe Islands, Ireland, Scotland, Britian, Wales, Norway, France, Holland, Switzerland, Germany/Bavaria, Poland, Czechia, Austria, Bulgaria, Bosnia, Belgium, Denmark, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Luxembourg, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Canary Islands
Morocco, Egypt, Madagascar, Kenya, Tanzania, Botswana, South Africa, Namibia
Russia, China, Mongolia, Japan, South Korea, Philippines, Taiwan, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Myanmar, Tibet, Nepal, Seychelles, Malaysia, Indonesia, New Zealand, Australia